
Please consider Donating and Supporting our Program:  

The WorldTree is a completely volunteer program with no paid staff. The majority of our funding comes from you, the greater community, through the donation of materials, labour, and money. We, in turn, use these funds to support not only our Mission, but also, the Greater community at  Local, National, and International levels.


What do we charge for our services? Where does it go?

The most common question asked is "What do we charge for our services?" This is a very complicated or a very simple answer: "Whatever you can afford."
While we do not charge for most of the monastic and spiritual works and teachings, we do need to collect money to cover overhead costs and to continue the development our support structures.
Typically, those in need of assistance are not in the best situation to afford help and assistance in return. We work to ensure that not only their future, but also, the community's future as a whole improves. This is achieved in a number of our Charity Programs.
We strictly believe in the traditional teaching and practices of "Not Charging For The Teaching!" This means we do not collect fees for lessons and the many community services, lectures, and support we deliver in preserving the Earth Traditions, Teachings, and Our Culture.
We also strictly believe and practice the “Charity Prosperity Principle”. Firstly, cost should not be a barrier for those genuinely dedicated to improving their lives via Education, Counselling, and Support. Secondly, that one needs to be purposefully and continuously Charitable in sharing the wealth and giving away in order to have prosperity.
We do not own the land or the resources! We manage it for our children's children. The WorldTree achieves our community Prosperity Goals by assisting other like minded groups with our “Special Programs”.





The cost to keep the lights on, the phone running, and the ink going in the printer

Community Charity: 

We mean  activities which are symbiotic and direct benefit to the Community including: our Community Gardens, Elders' programs, free lectures series, seminary teachings, stipends for guest lecturers to travel, supporting our local community members in need, recording oral histories, working to maintain ecosystem and Traditional Knowledge...

Outside Charity:

We mean services which we receive indirect benefit from and may be slightly removed from our direct Aim in our programs including: drop in Counselling services, outreach work to Prisons, Military, Hospital, and Hospice, environmental activism and conservation, providing food for fundraisers, Soup kettle for the First Nation Gathering Place, support for the Extreme Weather Shelters, socks and sweats for the homeless, and poverty action groups.

Special Programs:

These are long term funded charitiy activities which we believe are fundamental to our mission including: Tribal Journeys, youth programs, Druid Scouting, Interfaith, religious tolerance advocacy, and reclaiming our Sacred Plant project.


The above accounting does not include individuals' Great Works and personal volunteer efforts, nor a vast amount of the individual membership groups of the WorldTree, who sponsor their own local and regional projects. 


Capacity Building via Prosperity    

“Give a man a fish he is fed for a day, teach him to fish..."



In 2009-2010 Year the WorldTree directly produced 17K worth of charitable good will. What makes our programs unique is that from those efforts an additional 14k was generated by our direct support in other programs--and continues to ripple out in both prosperity and kindness, empowering our community to grow and become Sustainable, Self-fulfilling, and Socially Just...our own version of paying it forward.


We firmly promote Pay it Forward, not only financially, but also, spiritually, and emotionally. It is clear in the Teachings and practices that we are obligated to, not only, practice our teachings but, to pass on and preserve them through a lived experience and the expression of generosity in our communities and families.

We therefore encourage you to, not only, support us in whatever manner you can manage, but also, to do so in the future when your situation improves and where opportunity presents to do a good deed or act of beautiful creation for the good of others around you, as we have for you.
For more on Pay it Forward and our yearly budget see the side links.

Please consider donating, and using our services.

Support Your Community


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